Dear PREP Families,
Welcome to the Resurrection Parish Religious Education Program!
An important mission of our religious education program at Resurrection is to help children become intellectually enlightened about their faith and grow in understanding and appreciation for the Mass. Attending Mass each week with your child and praying together is a way to inspire lifelong devotion to the Catholic faith.
We at the PREP hope to partner with you in the faith formation of your children. We are thankful to our dedicated volunteer catechists who strive to provide age-appropriate and meaningful catechesis for students each week.
Our Pastor, Monsignor Dwyer, provides ongoing guidance and support to every aspect of our program. He along with our clergy visits classrooms each week to answer questions and to supplement instruction.
Our Pastoral Associate, Meg Rodriguez, will enrich our students’ faith lives by facilitating First Holy Communion and Confirmation Retreats. By attending these sessions, our students gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of these very special sacraments. Meg also provides a “spiritual touch” to our parental sacramental meetings.
The PREP staff and I look forward to getting to know you and your children and hope that we can journey together toward a closer relationship with God and His presence in our daily lives.
God Bless,
Mary Humphrey
Director of Religious Education
The Resurrection Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) is for students in grades 1-8 who attend public or private (non-parochial) school and whose families are enrolled parishioners of the Church of the Resurrection. The mission of this program is to provide children with a deeper understanding of their religion and its beliefs, doctrines, and traditions. The children in our religious education classes grow by interacting with people of faith.
The content for each grade follows the Archdiocesan Guidelines for Catechesis and gives a developmental presentation of the faith for each grade level. PREP is designed to assist parents in their sacred responsibility to educate their children in the Catholic faith and complete their initiation into the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ.
Our program is more than a means to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. It is an ongoing, continuing development of the Christian personality. The Sacraments are an integral part of the Christian life and each grade in religious education adds to the development of the Christian Life.
PREP classes are typically held on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Students attend class once a week from the third week of September until the third week of May. Resurrection PREP also holds classes on Tuesdays from January through May for all of our Grade 8 Confirmation candidates who attend a Catholic School.
Volunteers are always welcome and needed, especially catechists (teachers) as well as aides, hall monitors, childcare helpers for our catechists’ younger children, and traffic monitors. Please see the volunteer form on the PREP website.